Unlike any other type of environmental issues, light pollution can be resolved much faster and easier if everyone made simple actions and put a small effort to resolve it. Much of the artificial outdoor lighting, as well as indoor lighting, is overused, inefficient and sometimes even unnecessary. If street lighting was properly designed and shielded, people use more LED & other energy-efficient light sources, turn off lights when not needed, reduce intensity and duration of lighting, the world would benefit from it and solve the problem of light pollution. Do you choose to switch the lights off and switch the attitude?
It requires very simple steps to help reduce the problem of light pollution and safe our environment. Here some simple things that could be done to help:
1. Only use the right amount of light and only when you need it.
2. Use energy efficient light sources, such as LEDs.
3. Try to use timers, dimmers or motion sensors to save energy.
4. Use only enough light to get things done.
5. Turn off lights in office buildings and homes when not in use.
6. Make these habits a part of your daily routine. Make it a part of your life!
1. Preserve naturally lit areas.
2. Improve street lighting systems. Shield your outdoor lighting to prevent glare and reduce sky glow.
3. Limit the installation of lighting devices.
4. “Installing quality outdoor lighting could cut energy use by 60–70 percent, save billions of dollars and cut carbon emissions” (IDA).
5. “Unnecessary indoor lighting – particularly in empty office buildings at night – should be turned off" (IDA).